Skin problems are some of the most difficult conditions to treat in dogs and cats, and are also some of the most annoying for their owners. Skin disorders are most commonly caused by allergies, mites, autoimmune problems and bacterial infections. Animals may be allergic to food ingredients, fleas or substances their skin comes into contact with. Flea allergies are common in dogs and cats but are very difficult to treat because highly allergic animals may have a flare-up after the bite of just one flea, despite anti-flea precautions. Skin allergies are conventionally treated with steroids and other drugs that have adverse side effects and are only treating the symptoms; they must be continued or the problem will return.

Another common problem in dogs is lick granulomas. In these cases the skin becomes irritated causing the animal to continually lick the area, resulting in further inflammation and irritation. A vicious cycle develops because the skin cannot heal while the animal continues to lick, yet they cannot stop licking because of the discomfort. These cases are again difficult to treat conventionally because it is hard to completely stop the animal from licking. Chinese medicine provides a natural way to relieve the irritation and stimulate healing.

According to Chinese medical theory, skin conditions are generally rooted in internal weakness of the body and subsequent invasion of environmental pathogens. The body can be weakened by factors such as stress (for example after owners’ death or divorce), emotional imbalance, improper diet or genetic predisposition. Environmental pathogens such as heat, wind, dry, cold and damp are a major cause of disease in Chinese medicine and can invade when the body is weak, affecting the skin. For example, damp invasion results in oozing skin conditions and dry invasion results in scaly, itchy skin that is worse in dry weather. Invasion of damp is often accompanied by heat, causing the classic hot, damp skin that is seen in infections. Chinese medicine aims to expel these environmental pathogens from the body and strengthen the internal weakness, therefore allowing the skin to heal. By treating the root cause of the problem and not just the symptoms, Chinese medicine can often finally allow resolution of the skin condition.

Acupuncture can be very effective to relieve and resolve skin conditions in dogs and cats. From a Western perspective, acupuncture can relieve the pain, itching and inflammation that is associated with most skin conditions. This prevents the animal from licking or scratching and allows healing. Studies have shown that acupuncture modulates the immune system and can benefit both immunodeficiency and immune-mediated disorders. Acupuncture stimulates circulation and blood flow, which also promotes healing. A technique often used in localized skin problems (such as lick granulomas) is known as ‘Circle the Dragon’ and involves insertion of acupuncture needles at 5-6 points around the lesion. This stimulates local blood flow to encourage healing.

Numerous plants used in Chinese herbal medicine have been found to have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and other effects that can benefit the skin. Herbal medicines can be given to animals with skin conditions either by mouth (as pills or capsules) or applied directly to the skin as salves or ointments, to better relieve local pain and inflammation. Many herbs have been shown to have anti-cancer effects and so are useful in both prevention and treatment of skin cancers. From a Chinese perspective, acupuncture and herbal medicine act synergistically to strengthen the body and drive out the external pathogenic invasion. These therapies are very safe when performed by a trained and licensed veterinarian.