As our animals live longer, joint pain and reduced mobility is increasingly common. Joint pain can be caused by osteoarthritis, Lyme disease, inherited problems such as hip dysplasia, or after injury. It is generally treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), but these are often not 100% effective and also cause side effects such as liver and kidney damage, which can even be fatal. Cats and horses are particularly sensitive to the side effects of these drugs. Fortunately, a holistic approach utilizing acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and rehabilitation techniques can be used to relieve pain and improve mobility safely and without side effects.

In dogs, arthritis generally arises from prior orthopedic issues, such as hip or elbow dysplasia, and not the wear and tear of aging that is the major cause of arthritis in people. This means that arthritis can develop even in young dogs. Research has shown that maintenance of a healthy body weight is key to delaying development of arthritis for as long as possible. Dogs that are overweight develop arthritis earlier and require more drug treatment to manage their arthritis. For dogs that need to shed a few pounds, NYVAS uses an individualized program of rehabilitation techniques to reduce weight safely and effectively, while strengthening core muscles and improving cardiovascular fitness. But what can you do for your pet once arthritis develops?

Acupuncture for Arthritis

Many scientific studies have proved that acupuncture has genuine pain-relieving effects, through release of pain-relieving neurotransmitters in the brain. Clinical studies have also shown that acupuncture can effectively treat canine arthritis. For example, one study involved 65 dogs with arthritis so severe that despite conventional medical treatment, they were in so much pain that euthanasia was considered the only option. After acupuncture treatment, there was reduced pain and improved mobility of greater than 50% in 70% of these dogs, so much so that euthanasia was no longer an ethical option. This shows just how effective acupuncture can be for treatment of arthritis.

The vast majority of patients find acupuncture a relaxing experience. Although there may be an initial 'pinch' as the needle is inserted, there is no further pain and many animals even fall asleep due to the relaxing and pain-relieving endorphins that are released by acupuncture treatment.

Dogs, cats and horses with arthritis generally require weekly acupuncture treatment for 6-8 weeks as an initial course of treatment. The effects of acupuncture are cumulative, so an effect may not be seen until the patient has received 2-3 treatments. However, most patients then experience a reduction in pain and improved mobility. Owners often notice improved alertness and interest in life and playing as their animal's pain reduces. After the initial course, the improvement can be maintained by acupuncture treatments at 1-4 month intervals, depending on the individual and their response.
Chinese herbal medicine acts synergistically with acupuncture to restore balance to the body, and can be thought of as "Acupuncture from the inside." From a Western point of view, herbs have been shown to relieve pain and inflammation, making them very useful in the treatment of arthritis. Most Chinese herbs can safely be used long-term and so herbs for treatment of arthritis may be given for 3-6 months or longer to maintain the animal's condition.